So yes - I have been a very bad blogger. A very busy blogger. I love this time of year - but it's also my busiest - most stressed out time of year. So that explains why I haven't posted in a while. We had everyone over early this past weekend for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time. I'm glad all the cooking is done but now what will I do on Thanksgiving? Ha. Isn't this picture cute? It's my two adorable kids outside of this cute new shop called "House Too Home". Full of adorable things I love. Old cupboards, signs and primitive decor. Love it.

And here's something I should have posted about ages ago - it's the beautiful, beautiful box of autumn goodies that I received from Cathy over at Cranberry Cottage. We did an autumn swap and she was my partner. She makes the most beautiful handmade soaps and other products. Go check out her blog (where you can see photos of what I sent her) and her Etsy site: Cranberry Cottage Shop for some great stocking stuffers! Thank you Cathy - still lovin' my stuff!

And these photos are a project I just recently finished - it's a spool wreath kit from Say It With Letters. Isn't it darling? I love the papers - everything's included! And I had enough stuff left over to make a few cards and this little wallhanging. Go check it out and get one for yourself.

I'll try not to be such a bad blogger from now on!