Hi Everyone!
I just spent all afternoon outside with my little one. She pulled me out and I'm glad she did. We spent an hour just sitting in the sun on the front lawn of the house, - laying around in the grass, wrestling and just doing nothing. Totally relaxing and totally what I've needed lately. I've been trying to teach her to whistle with a piece of grass between her fingers like my Mom and Dad taught me. A happy memory. Anyone else out there able to do it? It does take some practice!
And look at these beautiful tags I received in the mail yesterday from my friend Tracy over at Tied Up Memories. She uses kraft paper for the backing which makes them look like leaves which I think is so cool. I hung them on an old twisted wire tree that I bought a few years ago at a church sale but haven't used much until now. Check out Tracy's beautiful Etsy shop here.

Another one of the tags on the left in this picture is from Laura over at Busybee-Laura. I did a Halloween swap with her and she sent me the tag with the purple spider on it and the MOST beautiful Halloween apron (and many other wonderful Halloween goodies!). I wish I had taken a picture of it but it's been put to use many times already and it's hanging downstairs in my pantry! Check out her Etsy shop here!: Gigi Kay.