Hey Everyone -
Last weekend I got to spend time with two of my bestest friends which is something that doesn't happen as much as it used to. We went up to see my friend Debbie who has twins and is pregnant AGAIN! Yay! I am so happy for her and her family. Here she is with one of her adorable babies. I hope she doesn't mind me showing this here. Also went with my other best friend Carole, and it was just so relaxing to spend time together. We have known each other for so long and I am so blessed to have these girls in my life.

And on the way home Carole and I stopped at this awesome Christmas craft fair! Yay! (Sorry, Debbie!) I spent way too much on some beautiful primitive/country ornaments and things (my weakness) - and there was so much to see. I came home with this huge handmade wooden house that is lit inside. I love houses. I put it on our dining room table and I love it - my husband didn't love it as much. :) Ha.
And this weekend there are more craft fairs - I love to go and see what other people have made - Christmas is such a fun time of year. I've already started decorating! Here's some things I've made recently for the shop both for Christmas and otherwise.

Hope you have a great weekend! :)