This week has been so busy! I have reconnected with many friends and it makes me feel happy and alive! Where would we be without good girlfriends?? Here are some cards I made today inspired by my friends.

Also - had my first "Crafternoon" this weekend and it was so much fun. There were just four of us, but we had a lot to talk about, a lot to share, and some interesting projects were made. One of the girls was sewing bags for Morsbags. Go check out the site and make one of your own like I did! Here's mine made out of old dinner napkins. Reuse, renew, recycle!

Another girl was making draft dodgers for the local church windows, and another was knitting on a loom. It really was a lot of fun and great therapy! I have some more projects to show you but they'll have to wait until another time. My little one needs me now. Have a great week! :)