Hello everyone! I haven't posted because I just haven't had the time or felt that I had anything worthwhile to say, but I think my blog is lonely!

We had a nice Christmas - did you? Now I feel like I'm playing catchup - paying bills, cleaning, rearranging. For Christmas my husband got me a lot of nice things, but one of the best was a new Keurig Coffee Maker. (Hope I spelled that right!) Anyway - all of us love that thing - it's the only thing keeping me motivated! And my daughter loves it too because I can make hot chocolate with it. Anyway - great present. The holiday was a bit different too, because my kids seem older to me, and lately I have just been so appreciative of them. They fight a LOT but sometimes they don't and they're just super loving and wonderful. I just feel like I need to document somewhere in writing for the world to see - how much I love them. They really are the best thing in my life and I can't imagine never having kids. I don't get out much - and so to have two people who tell you they love you daily - it's a good thing. Okay - sorry - don't know where all that came from - usually I try to keep this impersonal - but there it is!

Here's some things I've been making lately - late at night. I'm excited to move on to Valentine-y things and start thinking spring again!