When I was a little girl, my Mother sewed our clothes at home and used to frequent fabric stores with me in tow. How I used to hate fabric shopping! I would get a headache and plead with her to go home. And now, look at me! I am addicted to fabric and buy it like she did, until I have way too much.
I was thinking today about how much I love quilts made from beautiful fabric, and I love the way it feels to snuggle up under a large, soft quilt and read stories to my little girl and how much she loves it, too. My two kids fight over our quilts and we always keep two or three on the couch. Then I started realizing that I have a bit of a quilt collection. I have made a few (badly!) and I have acquired a few beauties along the way.

This one is a new cherished possession and a favorite - my mother made it for my daughter last year and it is big! It's pink with butterfly fabric and even has appliqued butterflies along the edge. My daughter loves having it on her bed. It has free motion quilting throughout and looks so cute in her room.

This one was recently made for me by my husband's Aunt. As soon as I met her, we hit it off (she's a crafter!) and now we're Facebook friends. She's a new quilter and very skilled! Look how beautiful it is. I asked for a colorful quilt. :)

This one I got when my son was little. It is well loved and stained, but a favorite.

This is my favorite quilt - another hack job of mine - but I just love the colors and patterns. It's super soft and a lap quilt.

These quilts I made - some are very small and one fits my son's bed.

This quilt I bought at an antique store - it is huge, soft and beautiful! I love it!