I have been so busy lately with - life, I guess - that I haven't had as much time for creating. And after a while, I really start to feel bottled up and frustrated, so it's good when I can do any little thing with color and pattern, and then I feel better. :)

I've also been trying to finish up this summer book I made so that I can start working on a fall mini-book. I used my Zutter binder to create this and I love the way you can punch holes in a lot of different things and then bind it all together. Fun stuff.

I've also been trying to do more scrapbooking lately - this summer I made so many cards but not so many layouts. I'm trying to be better about journaling and documenting things in words instead of just pictures!

I tried my hand again at one of these metal cookie-sheet calendars. I did one last year after I was inspired by Teresa McFayden's version, but mine never gets as good as hers. Still, I enjoyed making all the little Halloweeny dates and trying to come up with more clever ideas. My kids love to play endlessly with all the little magnets.

Oh! And I added a few little pincushions to my
Trinkets shop if you're interested! Too much fun to make! Have a great week!